GSCB Film - English
5401237-ENG | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Lightspeed VCT 64 | |
GE HealthCare | |
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- High abrasion resistance
- Highly flexible
- Resistant to UV, moisture and wide temperature variations
- Rich appearance
Product Overview
The GSCB Film is an embossed membrane, which has the printed information about the GSCB front panel buttons, warnings and the associated symbols. The film is made up of Autotex® F200 material and provided with surface treatment. Autotex is a high quality textured polyester film, suitable for the applications requiring a combination of high abrasion resistance and flexibility such as embossed membrane switches. It has specially constructed hard coat and primer layers. Unlike conventional films that can delaminate, become brittle or flake under extreme conditions the various layers in the material are formulated to resist ultraviolet light, moisture and wide variations in temperature. The panel is in black color and has the flammability rating of 94HB per UL746C requirements. The GE product is an innovation and technology which fits well into versatile customer needs. It is manufactured using high precision techniques which helps to achieve a good surface finish as well as good product consistency. The part is diligently designed for high performance and reliability. It is securely packaged inside a high quality packing box to avoid physical damage during transit and labeled with details about the product, Quality Assurance (QA) seal and shipment details.